Resident Engagement
Our Offerings
During the pandemic, it became extraordinarily difficult to provide meaningful connections for residents. COVID-19 substantially impacted the way in which staff moved through their days and the loss and fear that was ever present.
As human beings, at the heart of every positive interaction is the desire to connect meaningfully. Particularly now when we engage with residents, we may not know how to have exchanges that are purposeful. Building relationships is key to improving life experiences. Research demonstrates that the discerning of preferences and the creation of meaningful connections has a positive effect on mental and functional health outcomes. The inability to connect at a deeper level can severely hamper our residents’ ability to feel satisfied and ultimately healthier in their living environment.
Copernicus offers consultation and educational sessions that help grow and expand engagement with residents. Through sensitivity training, opportunities are multiplied for empathetic listening and engaging dialogue, promoting a greater sense of independence for residents. The use of interactive exercises assist staff in exploring and interpreting other points of view in-order-to expand the ability to understand resident perspectives. Group activities broaden understanding of how empathy can be more fully incorporated into task-oriented daily routines, which creates the foundation for more meaningful interactions between residents and staff.
9900 Georgia Ave. #203
Silver Spring, MD 20902
c) Copernicus 2023. All rights reserved.