A good leader knows when to step back and give staff a voice. That’s why Copernicus’ founder and CEO, Claudia Blumenstock, encourages interaction and communication across organizational teams. She recently joined the LTC Heroes podcast to share her insights on inspiring the best in others. “I learned that being present for staff, listening to their stories, and being engaged, helps them gain a voice,” she said. Listen to the full interview here:
Blumenstock told Experience Care’s Peter Murphy Lewis that employers seek “engaged leaders who are positive, flexible, and interested in getting to know them.” She added that this is part of prioritizing observation and self-awareness, two things every leader should consider as they engage with their staff. “We must look within ourselves and be a sponge so we can learn and incorporate how to be better,” she said.
Dialogue is also emphasized in Blumenstock’s bootcamps, which assists leaders in enhancing staff engagement and developing practical strategies to build a revitalized and stable workforce. “As leaders, we think we need to be in control, in charge, and tell people what they need to hear,” she said. “And while that is true sometimes, it's more important to be an active listener and an observer who asks questions.” This six session initiative guides organizations to “sustain new behavior and think outside the box.” The purpose is to reduce staff turnover by focusing on the essential role of leaders and the actionable strategies that assist in creating a highly committed workforce.
Written By: Cindy Wong